Biological Aspect and Mapping Fishing Ground of Lobster (Panulirus spp) In Akudiomi Village Of District Yaur - Nabire


  • Bayu Pranata Jurusan Perikanan, FPIK UNIPA, Manokwari, 98314, Indonesia
  • Vera Sabariah Jurusan Perikanan, FPIK UNIPA, Manokwari, 98314, Indonesia
  • Suhaemi Suhaemi Jurusan Kelautan, FPIK UNIPA, Manokwari, 98314, Indonesia



Biologycal aspect of lobster, mapping, P. versicolor, TNTC, Kwatisore


This research was done on March-April 2014 at village of Akudiomi that was wellknown as Kwatisore in Nabire Regency  at Papua Province. The research aimed to determine species composition, length-weigh relationship, local fishermen inventarization and mapping lobster fishing ground. Method used was descriptive with observation techniqu, sampling and interview.  Also, the mapping and identification the correlation between physical oceanography  parameters (temperature, salinity, depth and pH) on the fishing ground of lobster was to know the effect on the lobster availability. Resuls showed that during field observation, three species of lobsters were caught by fisheremen in Akudiomi that are P. versicolor for 111 individu, P. longipes and  Thenus spp was 1 individu consecutively.  The prediction of lobster growth pattern only done for  P. versicolor  as the dominant species caught in Akudiomi, that P. versicolor’ carapace length 8-13 and weight 250-1,097 gr/individu. Correlation between carapace length and weight of  P.versicolor indicated positive with the same direction at 0.8636, (near 1). Analysis growth pattern P. versicolor showed   , thus means   or allometric negative (the growth of length faster than weight). Regression analysis indicated that temperature, depth, salinity and pH  significantly affected  the yield of lobster caught by fishermen in Akudiomi.  Morevoer, oseanography aspects that had  significant  effect to caught of lobster temperature, salinity and pH.


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How to Cite

Pranata, B., Sabariah, V., & Suhaemi, S. (2017). Biological Aspect and Mapping Fishing Ground of Lobster (Panulirus spp) In Akudiomi Village Of District Yaur - Nabire. Jurnal Sumberdaya Akuatik Indopasifik, 1(1), 1–14.




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