Author Guidelines
Primary Requirement:
- Manuscript did not publish in any other journal or elsewhere yet.
- All authors must agree with the submission of the manuscript in Jurnal Sumberdaya Akautik Indopasifik.
- The authors must agree with the order of the authors.
- Corresponding author also must be agreed by all author as a representative in communication with the editor.
Manuscript component:
(a) TITLE (Bahasa Indonesia and English):
The title of the manuscript is written briefly and clearly, and must indicate exactly the problem to be raised and not provide opportunities for diverse interpretations. The title of the manuscript cannot contain word abbreviations. The title is written in Indonesian and English.
The Indonesian title is written with Times New Roman letters size 14, Bold, Space 1. Uppercase letters for each beginning of the word except conjunctions or prepositions.
The English title is written in Times New Roman font size 12, regular, Space 1. The distance between the Indonesian Title and English is 12 pt (one time enter). Uppercase letters for each beginning of the word except conjunctions or prepositions. Writing a scientific name follows the rules of international standards, by requiring the name of the inventor and year.
(b) Authors’ Name:
The author's name is written in full without title, with Times News Roman letters size, size 11, Bold. If the author is more than one, write the names of the authors separated by commas (,). If the author's name consists of only one word, write the real name in one word, however in the online version (HTML) it will be written in two words that contain the same name (repeated). The author's name is written with a distance of 12 pt (one time enter) from the English title. Correspondent authors are marked *. The editor will only communicate with the correspondence writer.
(c) Authors’ Affiliation:
Author affiliation or author's institution name is written under the author's name with a distance of 12 pt (one time enter) from the author's name. Authors who are not in the same institution, must be marked with the number "1" and so on as in the example. Affiliation is written by including the name of the Department / Department, Institution Name, Address of Institution, City of institution, Postcode and Country. Author affiliations are written in TNR letters, 10 pt in size, regular.
(d) Authors’ email address:
All authors must include their respective email addresses and be written under the author's affiliation without any distance.
(e) ABSTRACT and Keywords (in Bahasa Indonesia:
Indonesian abstracts are written using TNR letters, size 11 pt, regular. Abstracts are written for 150 to 300 words, containing the core of the problem to be raised, the method of its solution, and the results of scientific findings obtained and conclusions brief. Abstracts for each language should only be written in one paragraph with the format of one column. Spacing between lines is one space in this format. Each article must have an English Language Abstract and an Indonesian Language Abstract.
Keywords are written under abstract with a distance of 12 pt from the last line of abstract. Keywords contain 5 keywords related to the research written.
(f) ABSTRACT and Keywords (in English):
Abstract English is written using TNR letters, size 11 pt, regular. Abstracts are written for 150 to 300 words, containing the core of the problem to be raised, the method of its solution, and the results of scientific findings obtained and conclusions brief. Abstracts for each language should only be written in one paragraph with the format of one column. Spacing between lines is one space in this format. Each article must have an English Language Abstract and an Indonesian Language Abstract.
Keywords are written under abstract with a distance of 12 pt from the last line of abstract. Keyword contains 5 keywords related to the research written.
The introduction is written in TNR, size 11, space 2. Chapter titles such as INTRODUCTION, RESEARCH METHODS etc., are written in capital letters, bold, Flat Left. The distance between the chapter headings to the first line of the paragraph is 6 pt (in the after adding 6 pt). The contents of the chapter are written evenly and left and right. This rule also applies to the Research methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and Acknowledgments section.
In this section, author(s) should provide sufficient information to allow another qualified researcher to repeat the experiments that are described in the paper. If the method is categorized as new procedures or refers to published paper which was not readily available for most readers, details methodology should be provided. If any modification being made, then it should be described clearly. Previously published procedures should be cited. The authors should also mentioned scientific name, number of samples and the location of sampling. Sources (company, city, state, or country) of unusual chemicals, bacterial strains, reagents, and equipment must be clearly stated. For those who work with satellite images, please also provide collected ground check data.
Results and discussion should not be separated. State the obtained results based on the used methods. Avoid presentation of raw data as well as double presentation (e.g. table and graph). Every means value of the data should be given standard deviation. All data given in result should be presented in the tables or graph, although some results may be given solely in the text.
Discussion can be done by comparing results/data reported with other research results previously published. It should be focused on the results interpretation rather than repetition of the results.
Based on the findings and discussion, conclusion should be clearly stated. It should be written as paragraph, not as a list.
(k) AKNOWLEDGEMENT (Optional):
In this section, author(s) should mention the grant source (Institution as well as year of the contract) and the person to whom the grant was given. Acknowledgement should also be given to those (individual/company/institution) who has contributed to the study especially in establishing research design, acquisition of data, supplying documents/photographs or analysis and interpretation of data, or who was involved in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content. If the contribution of an individual quite significant, then he/she should be put as one of the author. Please refer to author(s) contribution form.
All references referred to in the text of the manuscript must be registered in the Bibliography, and vice versa. Bibliography must contain reference libraries originating from primary sources (scientific journals and totaling at least 80% of the total bibliography) published in the last 10 (ten) years. Each manuscript contains at least 15 (ten) references and their writings are arranged in alphabetical order.
References are written in the APA 6th edition style format. Citation writing and bibliography MUST use library management applications such as Mendeley, Zotero, Refworks, Endnotes, and Reference Manager. Every article referenced by doi number, must include the address of the prayer for example: https://doi.org/10.46252/jsai-fpik-unipa.2020.Vol.4.No.1.96.
Manuscript could be written in English or Bahasa Indonesia with maximum 25 pages including figure and tables. The manuscript is written in Microsoft word files, with size A4 (210 x 297 mm) and 3 cm for all margin. The font is Times New Roman, size 11pt, with 1 space, except for title in Bahasa Indonesia (14pt, Bold, Sentencase), Title in Bahasa Indonesia (regular, 12 pt, Sentencase), author name (12 pt, bold), affiliation (10 pt, regular).
Tabel and Figures
Tables and figures are placed in groups of text, after the tables or figures are referred. Each picture must be given a title right at the bottom of the picture and numbered in Arabic numerals. Each table must also be given a table title and numbered in Arabic numerals, directly above the table. Images must be guaranteed to print clearly, both font size, resolution, and line size. Figures, tables and diagrams / schemes should be placed in columns between groups of text or if they are too large in the middle of the page. Tables should not contain vertical lines, horizontal lines are allowed but only important parts.
For more detail please download our author guideline and template here.
Manuscripts that have met the instructions for writing the Indopasific Aquatic Resource Journal are sent in the following ways:
1. Submission of the manuscript with the Online Submission System at the e-journal portal, at the address http://ejournalfpikunipa.ac.id
2. The author registers as an Author by clicking on the "Register or Register" section or at the address http://ejournalfpikunipa.ac.id/index.php/JSAI/user/register
3. Complete all requested forms and click Register
4. Then do the login using the username and password you registered earlier.
5. After the author is logged in as Author, click "New Submission". Submitting manuscripts consists of 5 stages, namely: (1) Start, (2) Upload Submission, (3) Enter Metadata, (4) Upload Supplementary Files, and (5) Confirmation.
6. In the Start section, select Journal Section (Full Article), check all checklists.
7. In the Upload Submission section, please upload the script file in MS Word type 2013 or a newer version. It is not recommended to use the office file format 2003,2007.
8. In the Enter Metadata section, enter the complete data of all authors and affiliates, followed by the title, abstract, and indexing keywords.
9. In the Upload Supplementary Files section, it is permissible to upload supporting data files, cover letters, including a statement of authenticity of the manuscript, or other documents.
10. In the Confirmation section, click "Finish Submission" if all data is correct.
How to submit online:
- Please register as an author in our website via https://ejournalfpikunipa.ac.id/index.php/JSAI/user/register?source=
- Please prepare your manuscript according to our template and follow our guideline.
- You can follow our video tutorial in youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJImHZPZmrw&list=PLrw1RgoK1golnCS-Os2q7w9V_KTWt3EP-&index=7