Management of Sea Cucumber Resources at the Sasi Egek Location, Malaumkarta Village, Sorong Regency, South West Papua Province


  • Selvi Tebay University of Papua
  • Daniel Felle University of Papua
  • Sampari Suruan University of Papua
  • Fitriyah I.E. Saleh University of Papua
  • Hans A. Pasak Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) Papua Barat



Holothuria scabra, egek, Malaumkarta


Until now, the people in Malaumkarta village still carry out the cultural practice of communal resource management called Sasi Egek. One of the biota managed using the sasi egek system is sea cucumbers.This research was conducted for 34 days, from January to February 2023, located in Malaumkarta Village, Makbon District, Sorong Regency, South west Papua Province. This research uses a direct observation method with the Manta Tow (Virtual Census) technique, namely a method that involves drawing a 100 meter transect line and making observations in the area crossed by the transect to identify every sea cucumber biota found along the transect line. Data on the types of sea cucumbers found and identified at the research location were analyzed descriptively to determine data on types and quantities, data on the density and diversity of sea cucumbers at the research location. Based on observations of sea cucumbers at the sasi egek location in Malaumkarta, 12 individual sea cucumbers were found out of the total of all types identified. The most common type of sea cucumber is Holothuria nobilis many as 9 individuals. The total relative density of sea cucumbers as a whole was obtained at 0.024 ind/m2 or 24 ind/ha. The sea cucumbers from the sasi egek are then collected and marketed to buyers in Sorong City. Profits from selling sea cucumbers range from 80-100 million rupiah. Management of sea cucumber resources during the sasi egek opening period, it is necessary to set a limit on the body length of sea cucumber biota that can be harvested, it is necessary to record sea cucumber data continuously for the length and weight of sea cucumbers, data on type and quantity and economic value, so that it can become evaluation material in the next egek opening period.


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How to Cite

Tebay, S., Felle, D., Suruan, S., Saleh, F. I., & Pasak, H. A. (2024). Management of Sea Cucumber Resources at the Sasi Egek Location, Malaumkarta Village, Sorong Regency, South West Papua Province. Jurnal Sumberdaya Akuatik Indopasifik, 8(3), 193–205.


