Morphometric Meristic of Manggabai Fish (Glossogobius giuris) Preliminary Study of Barcode DNA Exploration of Limboto Lake’s Local Fish
Limboto lake, Manggabai, Meristic, MorphometricAbstract
The condition of Lake Limboto is increasingly critical, indicated by the area and depth of the lake which continues to decrease. Manggabai fish (Glossogobius giuris) is one of the endemic fish of Lake Limboto which has unique and distinctive characteristics. The meristic morphometric research of Mangobai Fish (Glossogobius giuris) is aimed at preserving Lake Limboto Local Fish based on Barcode DNA. This research was conducted in August - September 2022. Fish samples were taken from Lake Limboto and analyzed in-situ and ex-situ. Analysis of the relationship between length and weight follows the equation W = a L. The relationship between length and number of fins in Manggabai fish uses a correlation test by looking at the relationship between the independent variable or X (length) and the dependent variable or Y (number of fin radii). Meristic morphometric aspects of Manggabai (Glossogobius giuri) based on growth pattern in length and weight showed negative allometric (b<3). The meristic calculation results show the number of fingers on the fin, namely DI. VIs; DIY. 7-12; A. 7-10; V. I. 6-11; P. 10-18; C. 14-21 and consists of hard and soft fingers. Correlation test results of growth in length and the number of fingers on the manggbai fins showed a weak to very weak correlation. The description of water quality parameters is still classified in the moderate category for fish survival.
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