Analisis Kelayakan Sungai Seni Kobereh Sebagai Obyek dan Daya Tarik Ekowisata Perairan di Distrik Mare Kabupaten Maybrat
ekowisata perairan, kelayakan odtw, sungai seni kobereh, Distrik Mare, Maybrat Papua BaratAbstract
The Seni Kobereh River in Mare District, Maybrat Regency, has uniqueness so that it has become a waters tourism area. This study aims to determine the feasibility of Seni Kobereh River as a natural-based tourism attraction. This research was conducted in Sungai Seni Kobereh, Mare Selatan District, Maybrat Regency. Data collected since June to August 2018. The variables were analysed refer to the Guidelines for the Analysis of the Operational Areas for Natural Tourism Objects and Attractions of the Director General of PHKA 2003. The result of the analysis show that Seni Kobereh River is feasible to develop as natural-based tourism attraction with feasibility index 80%, however the feasibility level for each component is different. The attractiveness component shows that the Seni Kobereh River area is feasible with a value of 1050. Accessibility is inadequate with a value of 425 because of the fact that the road conditions are not conducive. Accommodation with a value of 60 is inadequate because in the tourist area of the Seni Kobereh River there is no adequate accommodation. Likewise, supporting facilities and infrastructure were inadequate and got a score of 180. Based on the assessment, development of The Seni Kobereh River ODTW area, need high commitment and collaboration from multi stakeholders, especially in improving accessibility, accommodation, and supporting infrastructure.
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