Macrozoobenthos Abundancy in Vegetated (Seagrass) and Un-vegetated Areas of Doreri Bay-Manokwari
Makrozoobentos, seagrassbed, Doreri Bay, ManokwariAbstract
Macrozoobenthos in vegetated area of seagrass had abundancy higher (0,070-0,085 ind/2738,06 cm3) than the un-vegetated area (0,035-0,067 ind/2738,06 cm3). This finding revealed by t-test that shown by accepted H1. It means a significant difference between the abundancy of macrozoobenthos in vegetated to un-vegetated areas. The number of species found in vegetated area by using corer in Doreri Bay was 113 species and in unvegetated area was 57 species.