Effect of Egg Soaking Time in Thyroxine Hormone Solution (T4) on Hatchability, Growth and Survival of Gouramy (Osphronemus gouramy) Larvae
gourami fish, thyroxin hormone, hatching rate, growth, survival rate, dippingAbstract
The thyroxine hormone is a hormone that can reduce high mortality and increase fish growth. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of long immersion time in the thyroxine hormone solution and a good time to increase hatching rate, growth and survival rate of Gourami larvae. The method used was a laboratory experiment with a completely randomized design. Treatment of egg immersion time in thyroxine hormone solution with a dose of 0.1 mg / L, namely 0, 8, 16, 24 and 32 hours. Each treatment was carried out three replications. The results of the study indicated that the immersion time did not affect hatching rate, but it did affect the length growth and survival of gourami larvae (O. gouramy). The good immersion time is 16-24 hours with hatching rate values 97.67-99.00%, absolute length growth of 6.50-6.92 mm, relative length growth of 4.93-5.25%, and survival rate of 91.26-92.15%.
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