Sustainable Marine Tourism of Eco Resort Criteria South Waigeo Raja Ampat Islands
Eco Resort, marine tourism, Raja AmpatAbstract
Raja Ampat is one of the regions in Indonesia that implements the concept of sustainable marine tourism. The concept of sustainability for eco-resorts is adapted from the criteria of the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (GSTC). The aim of this study is to find accurate data related to whether 8 resorts in South Waigeo have met the criteria for sustainable accommodation. Research is carried out with the collection of data quantitatively and qualitatively with descriptive analysis. The scores obtained are then processed on a likert scale with P=(F/Nx100%). The total sample was 96 people with a random sampling technique. The results showed GSTC criteria in 8 resorts obtained with a variable percentage. The lowest percentage is in the environmental sustainability criteria of 20-50% including indicators of nature conservation, natural resource management, waste and emission management, criteria for socio-economic improvement of local communities and criteria on the protection of cultural heritage indicate percentages below 55%, while organizational management criteria that include organizational structure, stakeholder engagement, obtain a percentagen of 49-63%. This percentage indicates that eight resorts do not meet the implementation of the criteria of sustainable water tourism, need seriousness together with all stakeholders in encouraging the tourism business to carry out the practice of Sustainable Tourism.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Anastasia Gustiarini, Novelina Tampubolon, Novelin Saranga, Djumiati Mustiah, Kurniawan Kurniawan

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