Performa of Antibiota Paints on The Growth of Biofouling Attachment Structures in Indonesian Sea Waters
Antifouling paint, Biofouling, Corrosion, Copper oxide, Tropical SeaAbstract
Indonesia has a tropical climate, where seasonal changes are relatively stable every year for surface temperatures and high salinity in the marine environment. The growth of tropical marine biofouling continues uninterrupted throughout the year. However, the metabolic activity of biofouling mostly has a detrimental effect on various submerged marine infrastructures where it damages the physical integrity of the structure, especially the corrosion effect and the tendency to waste marine fuel due to marine biota. In Indonesia, one way to reduce marine biofouling activity is to apply antifouling (AF) paint, which slowly releases antifouling active compounds in AF paint into seawater. Antifouling paint performance investigations have been carried out by the Corrosion Research Group, Metallurgical Research Center-The National Research and Innovation Agency for the last 5 years where the role of physical parameters of seawater and the biocidal active substance of antifouling paints plays a role in extending the service life of antifouling paints that are applied to installed structures in marine waters. The thickness of the antifouling paint and the type of antifouling paint also play a role in maintaining the service life. In Indonesia, antifouling paints still use inorganic heavy metal biocides based on copper oxide (Cu2O) as antifouling agents in marine waters, so further national-scale research is needed to replace copper heavy metals as the main biocide.
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