The Presence of Microplastics on Cultivation of Pomfret Cages (Colossoma macropomum) in the Kampar River
Broiler Chicken Intestines, Microplastics, Pomfret Fish Cages (Colossoma macropomum)Abstract
Microplastics are the result of degradation and fragmentation originating from plastics with a size of <5 mm. Currently, many people use broiler chicken intestines which are possibly contaminated by microplastics as food for pomfret (Colossoma macropomum) in floating net cages (KJA). The purpose of this study was to determine the number and type of microplastics present in the intestines of broiler chickens and the digestive tract of pomfret cages (C. macropomum) and to see the correlation level of the presence of microplastics in the digestive tract of pomfret (C. macropomum) fed using intestines. broiler chicken. The method used in this study was purposive sampling for the sampling of pomfret cages (C. macropomum). A sampling of broiler chicken intestines was carried out at random from KJA fish cultivators in Teluk Kenidai Village. The results obtained were microplastics of film type, fiber, and fragments found in the intestines of broiler chickens and the digestive tract of pomfret (C. macropomum). The number of microplastics found in broiler chicken intestines was 322 film particles, 112 fiber particles, and 52 fragment particles. While in the digestive tract of pomfret (C. macropomum) 343 are film particles, 203 fiber particles, and 63 fragment particles. The relationship between the presence of microplastics in the digestive tract of pomfret (C. macropomum) fed with broiler chicken intestines has a very strong relationship with a correlation value of 0.952.
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