Giant clam species and abundancy in Amdui District of South Batanta, Raja Ampat


  • Absalom Wakum Jurusan Perikanan, FPIK UNIPA, Manokwari, 98314, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Takdir Jurusan Perikanan, FPIK UNIPA, Manokwari, 98314, Indonesia
  • Selfanie Talakua Jurusan Perikanan, FPIK UNIPA, Manokwari, 98314, Indonesia



Giant clam, Amdui, Raja Ampat, Abundancy


Giant clams, fauna that wellknown protected worldwide were also found in Raja Ampat. This study aimed to inventarus the giant clam species and its abundancy, and was done on March-April  2014 in Amdui that has coral reef ecosystem. Three sites study were in  Ayem isle, Sawaris Bay and Sawros Bay, and the method used observation and belt transect technique.  Giant clams found consisted 8 species that were T. crocea,  T. maxima, T. squamosa, T .gigas, H. porcellanus, H. hippopus, T. tevoroa dan T.derasa. The highest abundancy of giant clams was in station I dominated by T. maxima with percentage 48.387 %, and then the lowest abundancy was T.squamosa (3.225 %) also the density of T.squamosa only 0.002 individu/m2 .  At station II, the highest abundancy was  T. maxima (38.805 %) and the lowest T. squamosa 2.985%. The density however, ranged  from T.maxima 0.004 to 0.052  individu/m2. At station III, T.crocea dominantly covered at 139.860%, and the lowest abundancy was  T.tevoroa 0.699%, and the highest density was T.crocea 0.112 individu/m2 .


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How to Cite

Wakum, A., Takdir, M., & Talakua, S. (2017). Giant clam species and abundancy in Amdui District of South Batanta, Raja Ampat. Jurnal Sumberdaya Akuatik Indopasifik, 1(1), 43–52.


